Top 10 Diseases & Conditions Part 8a of 10: Influenza – It’s Gone Viral (part one)

  1. TOP 10 Diseases & Conditions Part 1 of 10: Heart Matters. 1 in 3 (633,842)
  2. TOP 10 Diseases & Conditions Part 2 of 10: Cancer Wars. 1 in 3 (595,930)
  3. TOP 10 Diseases & Conditions Part 3 of 10: You Take My Breath Away (155,041)
  4. Top 10 Diseases & Conditions Part 4 of 10: Accidents Happen unintentional injuries; 5.2% (146,571)
  5. Top 10 Diseases & Conditions Part 5 of 10: Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases) 1 in 6 (140,323)
  6. Top 10 Diseases & Conditions Part 6 of 10: Alzheimer’s disease 1 in 10 (110,561)
  7. Top 10 Diseases & Conditions Part 7 of 10:  Diabetes 1 in 4 (79,535)

1 in 10 (57,062)

Topic Lineup:

  • What is influenza?
  • Types of influenza?
  • What are viruses?
  • What are the root causes of Influenza?
  • Flu prevention
  • Natures Pharmacy – Dietary flu treatment
  • Facts about hand hygiene
  • Why Put Down the Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizers?
  • Recipes intermingled

We have a tie for 8th place in the TOP Ten.  Flu season is leaving its mark as one of the deadliest flu seasons in 13 years. In the U.S., 36 states are reported high flu outbreak levels, according to the CDC. In Oregon, for example, 120 people were hospitalized for flu the week ending December 23 – a big rise over the 85 flu hospitalizations the week before. Experts say one big factor in this chaos has been the flu vaccine’s poor efficacy.  In January, 14,401 people were sick. Hospitalizations went up from 22.7 per 100,000 in the first month of January to 31.5, which is the highest rate since 2010.  21 children have died so far, and at least 43 people under the age of 65 have died in California alone.  There were 40,414 deaths in the U.S. during the third week of 2018.  Deaths from influenza and pneumonia, which are closely tied to each other in the winter months, were responsible for 1 of every 10 deaths, according to, posted February 10, 2018.  I will cover influenza first.

The flu is linked to between 3,000 and 49,000 deaths and 200,000 hospitalizations each year in the United States.

As for the stats, usually, in a normal year, some 12,000 people die from the flu each year in the US. The elderly, the very young, and those with other conditions are most at risk. But there is some risk to everyone. And that’s all in a “normal” year.

This year is not normal – it’s worse. They expect the death toll in 2018 to top 56,000 people. WOW, what are we doing wrong in the health care system?  We need to take our lifestyles seriously by learning what causes our ill-health and then doing what is necessary to prepare to avoid making it 56,001.  We need to change some lifestyle habits that are not benefiting our bodies.  We all know that habits are difficult to break, but a bad habit is possible to break if we have the knowledge and have some sort of support group.

There are different strains of the flu every year during flu season, and of course the CDC continues to encourage everyone to get their flu shots, which is like playing Russian Roulette. But what most people do not realize is that if you understand how you get the flu, there are other more natural and healthy means to consider being proactive in to avoid the flu and getting well without medication or flue shots. As you read further you will begin to understand the unhealthy state of life we live in and what we can do to resolve this condition.


Influenza (flu) is a highly contagious viral infection that is one of the most severe illnesses of the winter season. Influenza is spread easily from person to person, usually when an infected person coughs or sneezes.


There are three types of flu viruses: A, B, and C. The past couple of years, Influenza C has been the most prominent strain of the flu causing illness throughout the United States, but this year, it’s strain Influenza A.  When a strain is prevalent in a population of people, the flu vaccine gets tweaked to accommodate how those specific strains attack the immune system.

1.  Type A [H1N1-swine, H3N2-swine,bird,etc) viruses are capable of infecting animals.  Wild birds commonly act as the hosts for this flu virus and transmitted from bird to human.  Type A flu virus is constantly changing and is generally responsible for the large flu epidemics.

The influenza A2 virus (and other variants of influenza) is spread by people who are already infected. The most common flu hot spots are those surfaces that an infected person has touched and rooms where he has been recently, especially areas where he has been sneezing.

Here is a new name that gives a new perspective on Type A.  Zoonoses [Zoh-on-uh-sis] from zoo-of animals + Greek nosos disease are infectious diseases of animals (usually vertebrates) that can naturally be transmitted to humans.  Now you know why pig, turkey, chicken, cow farmers are susceptible and sometimes required to exterminate their entire zoo-‘of animal’ populations.  What are the causes of Bovine disease?  There are a host of environmental factors to pay attention to. I imagine this goes for the other strains as well.

1. The likelihood of BRD problems increases the more calves co-mingle, such as in auction barns.

2. Weather is another factor, with temperature and wind chill during transport having the biggest impact.

3. Transport seems to be the biggest risk factor for BRD, also called shipping fever.

4. Overcrowded, damp, or dusty places can make animals susceptible, nutritional factors such as feedlot rations, dehydration, and bodyweight play a role.

                5.  What happens when these animal’s get sick, the same thing with humans.  They are given meds/vaccines.

It looks like it all boils down to animal stress (environment), diet (including the hormone driven market), and meds/vaccine.

Things have changed since Old McDonald Had A Farm

BUT…I digress!

2.  Type B [/Victoria, /Yamagata] flu is found only in humans. Influenza Type B viruses are not classified by subtype and do not cause pandemics.  It can last about 2 or 3 days is a type of flu that is similar to influenza A. However, while A usually afflicts people in the early winter, influenza B can infect any time of the year. Another difference between the two, according to Dr. Vincent Racaniello, a professor at Columbia University, and author of “The Virology Blog,” is that type B can only pass from human to human unlike type A bird flu or swine flu.

At times, type B influenza can affect the stomach also, which is why some people refer to it as the “stomach flu.”

Type A and B cause the annual influenza epidemics that have up to 20% of the population sniffling, aching, coughing, and running high fevers.

3.  Influenza C viruses are also found in people. They are, however, are much more milder than either type A or B. People generally do not become very ill from the influenza type C viruses. Type C flu viruses do not cause epidemics.

What are viruses?

They are aggressive parasites that need a host DNA or place to replicate.

I can already hear the panic.  To deal with this fear and anxiety and take the necessary precautionary measures, we must first educate ourselves on the differences between regular flu and Swine Flu.

When we are fit and healthy we can usually defend ourselves against germs and infections.  The good news is most people will recover from the flu on their own.

The flu is also very contagious and can be spread via coughing, sneezing, or even touching infected surfaces.

Prevention is the key! Instead of taking a pill or getting a vaccine, all you have to do to achieve health is by adopting a healthy lifestyle and diet.  We need to accept what we cannot change; but, there are things that we can do so that we CAN live that best life now.

What are the root causes of Influenza?

  • Overwork
  • Stress
  • Poor diet
  • Poor Hygiene
  • Run down immunity due to another illness
  • Lack of Sleep

If you experience any of the above, you are more susceptible to catching the flu so keep these in mind during the winter months and take care of yourself!  Some experts have identified probiotics, vitamin D, zinc, and vitamin C as particularly good nutrients to focus on when trying to boost your immunity to protect against cold and flu.  Forget the flu vaccine and all its dangerous side effects.  Nature’s Pharmacy gives us what we need to stay healthy and are safer and more effective than any vaccine.

Our immune system is a powerful mediator of our health. Through specialized cell-defined lymphocytes (white blood cells in the lymphatic system), it manages to neutralize and destroy viruses and bacteria. One of its key features is to be fine-tuned in perfect balance with the surrounding environment.  Where your immunity power is strongly unbalanced, your immunity is compromised.  The increased chances of getting infections, developing autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, thyroiditis, etc.), allergies and intolerances occurs.  People who are prone to diseases are recommended to wear masks on mouth and nose so that they do not intake the virus from the environment.  Another action plan would be for those who are sick to wear masks to let people know what’s up with them.  We live in a very stressful, fast paced world that doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon and generally, people don’t slow down and rest and want to keep going continuing to press forward pushing themselves.  To keep going, we are so used to quick and convenient lifestyles that we welcome pharmaceutical drugs and continue on with our social life as usual.  We need to listen to our bodies.  When we are sick our body is saying “I need rest”.  But, that’s not all.

Flu prevention

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!”

Prevention of flu takes place in the first instance while maintaining a healthy immune system through a healthy and balanced diet associated with an active lifestyle and optimum daily stress management.

You may be saying the bills won’t stop coming, there will never be more hours in the day, and your work and family responsibilities will always be demanding.

But you have a lot more control than you might think.  As you read on, discover how you can be proactive for yourself.

Stress – Identify It, Understand It, Shrink It

Stress wreaks havoc on our emotional and physical health.  Furthermore, stress management is not a one-size-fits-all.  Learning how to be proactive in a balanced life, with time for work, relationships, relaxation, and fun is important. That’s why it’s important to experiment and find out what works best for you.

Tip 1:  Identify the stress source:

  1. How are your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors contribute to your everyday stress levels.  Are deadlines worrying you, yet you may be procrastinating somewhere?
  2. Accept responsibility for the role you play in creating or maintaining it.
  3. Start a stress journal.
  4. Incorporate a positive attitude.  It’s hard work sometimes, but it is possible.  Dream, Pray for help, think of others in a worse situation than you. Practice thinking on those things that are true, honest, good, just, pure, good reports, lovely… (Philippians 4:8)

Tip 2: Practice the 4 A’s of stress management

The four A’s – Avoid, Alter, Adapt & Accept

  1. Avoid unnecessary ~ learn to say “no” and avoid stressful places.
  2. Alter the situation ~ learn how to express your feelings.
  3. Adapt to the stress ~ adjust standards.  Avoid perfectionism.  This is a big one for me.  Reflect on all the things you appreciate in your life.
  4. Except the things you can’t change ~ learn to forgive.  Holding on to resentments and anger is negative energy.  Forgive and move on.

Tip 3: Get moving

  1. Physical activity can help burn away tension and stress
  2. Good choices include walking, running, swimming, dancing, and cycling.  Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you enjoy so you’re more likely to stick with it.

Tip 4: Connect to others and seek Godly counsel

  1. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:  Matthew 7:7
  2. His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
  3. Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.  Proverbs 11:14
  4. Confide in a pastor, friend, or someone you trust and is a good listener and can provide encouragement, sound, and clear advice.

Tip 5: Make time for fun and relaxation

  1. Set aside leisure
  2. Do something you enjoy everyday

Tip 6: Manage your time better

  1. Prioritize tasks
  2. Break projects into small steps
  3. Delegate responsibility

Tip 7: Maintain balance with a healthy lifestyle

The basic principles of the diet for flu are varied and very important, but – depending on the specific case, stage of the disease and predominant symptoms – may be slightly different.

  1. Eat a healthy diet
  2. Reduce caffeine and sugar
  3. Avoid alcohol cigarettes and drugs
  4. Get enough sleep ~ when we get adequate amounts of sleep this inflammatory state supports the immune system by enhancing the body’s ability to form an initial immune response to invading ”bugs.”  For the brain to remove waste matter, you must be asleep.

a.  Chronic sleep deprivation can cause numerous mechanisms to go wonky inside the body (i.e. how readily your body’s cells can recognize glucose floating around in your blood and pull it into the cells of the body where it will fuel activity).

b.  When your body does not take glucose into the cell efficiently, you feel tired and hungry more often than you should, which makes you reach for more food.  Your body is already not using this energy input, calories, and glucose well.

c.  Sleep deprivation lowers leptin (an appetite-suppressing hormone produced by fat cells and increases ghrelin, (a hormone released by the stomach that stimulates hunger reaching for reach for carbohydrate-dense, sweet, and salty foods.

d.  Cortisol is a hormone your body releases when you’re under stress. It heightens alertness which helps our bodies respond to stress appropriately so that we don’t become ill, but high cortisol levels also breaks down collagen.  Stress can raise cortisol levels to unhealthy levels.

e.  Electricity suppresses melatonin (Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF’s).  Melatonin is produced in pure darkness.  So if you have any light in the room spilling in from anywhere (night lights, cell phones, television, electric clocks, window with street lights shining in, etc).  No electricity should around you, especially near your head.

f.  Don’t eat at least four hours before you go to sleep.  You are just fueling your body with energy and that energy has to be used somehow (weird dreams, restless leg syndrome,

g.  When you truly sleep, you look younger in the morning.  Hmmm, there must be some truth to the term “sleeping beauty”.

Natures Pharmacy – Dietary flu treatment:

  1. Eating Light ~ Drink soups by spoon.  Eat citrus for Vitamin C – will stimulate white blood cell production and offer good hydration.

     2.  Drink Plenty of Fluids

Every system in the human body needs water in order to function properly so it is said that drinking regular water is very beneficial.  Staying hydrated will help keep your respiratory tract from drying out and will also assist your body in detoxing during healing.

1) Allow your Body Work Effectively  2) Enhance the Metabolism 3) Helps Fighting Skin Disorder 4) Help you Stay Moisturized 5) Helps in Removing Toxin 6) Reduces Risk of Cancer (colon, bladder, even breast cancer prevention) 7) Helps you Elevate Mood (Dehydration can make you weak, fatigue, dizzy, but if you drink water you can build muscle tissue, prevent muscle cramps) 8) Lose weight 9) Flush Out Body Waste 10) Reduce Joint Pain [it keeps the cartilage soft] 11) Relief from a headache and even back pain 12) Maintain the neutral pH 7 in the body 13) Improve the digestive system 15) Increase blood flow & oxygen in the brain and can help in maintaining memory function

Hydration ~ In all types of flu, it is strongly advisable to ensure a high level of hydration needed to compensate for: sweating, increased renal function for endogenous (the internal cause of infection) and pharmacological catabolism’s (metabolic pathways that breaks down molecules into smaller units), vomiting and diarrhea. Body water can be maintained by drinking more and eating liquid or well-hydrated foods. However, if the flu is characterized by significant nausea and vomiting, this can become a serious problem. In that case, the increase in beverages and liquid foods becomes impractical, as the stimulus of vomiting would increase drastically.

Drink spring water, green tea, herbal teas, broth, and fresh juice.

3.  Fresh Ginger

Making a strong tea with fresh ginger is an excellent natural remedy for reducing chills, sore throat, and body aches.

Ginger and cinnamon. To counteract the flu it is useful to consume hot and liquid foods and herbal teas.


    • 1 bag good quality organic Echinacea tea (optional)
    • 3 or 4 thin slices of fresh organic ginger root
    • 3 tablespoons organic lemon juice, fresh squeezed
    • 2 tablespoons raw organic honey
    • ½ teaspoon organic ground cinnamon
    • ¼ teaspoon organic ground clove
    • Cayenne pepper to taste


  1. In a large cup of hot filtered water, steep the tea bag and the sliced ginger (you may omit the tea bag if you’d like).
  2. Add the lemon juice, honey and spices and stir well. The tea will be cloudy.
  3. Let it infuse for 4-5 minutes and filter the drink.

4.  Cinnamon – Cinnamon has anti-fungal and analgesic properties. Make some cinnamon tea by adding boiling water over the herb into a cup. Drink at least one cup twice or thrice a day.

5.  Garlic is a very important nutrient reservoir for the body’s immunity, such as allicin, sulfur and vitamin B vitamins.  Do not use it if you have stomach or gastritis.

6.  Supplements

Vitamin B Complex ~ involved in the good functioning of the immune system.

Vitamin C ~ It is a well-known antioxidant well-known for its production of interferon, natural antiviral properties.  Taking  1,000-2,000mg of Vitamin C 3-4 times a day for adults. If diarrhea occurs, lower the dose.

Homemade Elderberry Gummies: Vitamin C Treats


•  1/3 cup unsweetened elderberry juice (see recipe elderberry syrup below)

•  2 tbs orange juice

•  3 tbs raw honey

•  2-3 tbs grass-fed gelatin (Vegans can use sea moss gelatin.)


  1. Add ingredients into a small sauce pan, with a whisk combine them until no lumps are visible and mixture seems even.
  2. Turn stove to the lowest setting and keep whisking until mixture is completely melted and warm to the touch.
  3. Do not let mixture get too hot to conserve all the properties in the honey.
  4. Transfer to a pan or candy mold such as this or this one.
  5. Pop in the freezer for about 10 minutes. Gummies will remain solid even at room temperature.

Ingredients for Elderberry Juice

  • 1/2 cup of dry elderberries
  • 2 cups of filtered water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 cloves
  • 1/2 cup of raw honey


  1. In a small sauce pan combine all ingredients and bring to a boil over medium heat for about 20 minutes or until it is reduced to about half.
  2. Set aside and let it cool off and add the honey while it still warm enough to dissolve the honey but not too hot that it will damage its properties.
  3. Store in a glass jar in the fridge, it will keep for a few week.

7.  Vitamin D ~ Research has confirmed that catching a cold or the flu is often a direct result of Vitamin D deficiency.  Of course, the best source of Vitamin D is from the sun, but when that isn’t doable, I recommend taking 1,000-2,000 IU daily during flu  season.

8.  Take activated charcoal to avoid vomiting.

Activated charcoal owes its usefulness to its high porosity. Through activation the charcoal is riddled with microscopic pores that increase its surface area exponentially, allowing the charcoal to bind toxins, gases, and other impurities to itself through the process of “adsorption.”  Charcoal binds with chemicals such as harmful toxins (poison, tannins that yellow teeth, etc.)

9.  Selenium at a dose of 200 micrograms per day is capable of counteracting viral    infections, stimulating the Th1 system and powerful natural killer cells of viruses and bacteria.

10.  Zinc has the same potential as selenium but has a different effect depending on the dose administered. If you want to counteract winter sickness, your daily dose should not exceed 25-35 milligrams for a period not longer than 2-3 weeks.

11.  The use of probiotics strengthens the immune system of the intestine against all those viruses and bacteria that prefer the gastrointestinal system.  If you are interested in a top of the line Probiotic please contact me

Facts about hand hygiene

Good hand hygiene is one of the most effective ways to stop infections spreading.

Many of us get so busy and are in such a hurry, and most of us don’t pay attention to how we wash our hands, but it’s important to do it the right way.  Further more, with all the traveling I do, it amazes me how many people do not wash their hands after using the bathroom or barely rinse their hands off and go.  It is always refreshing for me to see those that do the proper washing routine.

So, do not under-estimate the role of good hand hygiene.  It is good to remind ourselves frequently to wash their hands, several times a day, and keep the rooms aerated because the virus spreads by air, and avoid crowded places as much as possible.  This makes it very important to keep your hands germ-free with frequent and thorough hand washing. Encourage family members to do the same to stay well and prevent flu.

Hand Washing Works to Keep The Bad Guys Away  

I’m sure most of you already know about the importance of hand-washing especially during the cold/flu season when bacteria and viruses like to hang out the most.  Some viruses — tiny living things that cause colds — can live on surfaces for hours. Many infections, such as the common cold and the flu, are caused by spreading germs from person to person.  Regular hand washing is your best strategy to keep them from getting inside your body. And of course, if you’re the one who’s sick, washing up will keep you from spreading your germs.

When to wash your hands

You should wash your hands properly and often, especially:

  1. Before, during and after preparing food
  2. After going to the toilet or changing a nappy
  3. *After you blow your nose, sneeze or cough.
  4. When your hands are visibly dirty
  5. After smoking (smoking is not healthy lifestyle habit – take steps to be proactive and quit)
  6. After handling or patting animals
  7. Before and after taking care of someone who is sick
  8. When you enter and leave a healthcare facility.

*Here is the proper way to sneeze and cough and lessen the spreading the germs:  Watch a live sneeze test.





Here’s the drill to wash your hands:

  1. First, wet your hands with water. Then add soap.
  2. Rub them together vigorously for 20 seconds. Make sure to rub the wrists,between the fingers, and under the fingernails.
  3. When you have time, do a more thorough job using a nailbrush, as germs often hide under nails.
  4. Rinse your hands thoroughly and dry with a clean paper towel or air dryer.
  5. If you are in a public restroom, shut the faucet off with a paper towel.
  6. Try to push the door open with your shoulder, or use another paper towel to turn the knob.
  7. Watch this video: Proper Hand Washing Technique.
  8. In case there is no running water and soap, use can but Eo Hand Sanitizer Spray or make your own.
  9. Here are a couple of recipes of good hand sanitizers:

 Gentle Hand Sanitizer Recipe (Safe for Kids)

This herbal hand sanitizer gel doesn’t dry the skin and is actually nourishing because of the aloe vera. It’s also so simple that your children can help you make it. It can even be made in the container you plan to use so you don’t have to get a bowl dirty.


  • 1/4 cup aloe vera gel
  • 20 drops Germ Destroyer Essential Oil (Kid Safe by Plant Therapy)


  1. Mix all ingredients and store in a reusable silicone tube (like this one).
  2. Use as needed to naturally remove germs from hands.

 Alcohol-free hand sanitize

  1.   A great aloe vera gel dries quickly, is moisturizing, and isn’t sticky. Aloe vera gel is available online and in health food stores.  The many benefits of aloe vera are attributed to its anti-fungal, antivirus and antibacterial properties. Aloe vera is also an antioxidant, cell growth stimulator, astringent, coagulant, and can be used as a general antibiotic. It also has anti-inflammatory and pain inhibiting abilities.
  2. add 3-4 drops of high quality tea tree oil (antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral)
  3. 4 drops of lavender oil. Lavender oil also has antiviral and antibacterial properties of its own. If you prefer a stronger scent, add in a few more drops of lavender.

Try these other great scents to add to your hand sanitizer…

  • Orange or citrus oil: uplifting
  • Peppermint oil: refreshing
  • Rosemary: relaxing

Why Put Down the Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizers?

  1. They don’t work! Antibacterial soaps kill bacteria but not viruses.
  2. Even though there is an appeal of killing “99.9% of germs”, and it may be true that antibacterial products kill 99.9% of germs, there is that .1% that is the most potentially harmful (since it can resist antibacterial agents). This small percentage that survives then breeds and passes on its antibiotic resistance to its offspring, creating lines of “super bugs” that resist antibiotic use. This may be one factor in the dramatic increase in strains like MRSA.
  3. Triclosan, the chemical in most antibacterial soaps, has been shown to be a hormone disruptor and contribute to a rise in resistant strains of bacteria.
  4. Some evidence shows that kids who grow up in an overly sterile environment have higher rates of allergies and asthma.

If the bacterial exposure exceeds the body’s first immune response, this reaction begins to trigger further activation of leukocytes and Type 2 T helper cells (Th2). This is a stronger immune response the body mounts to things like parasites and physical invaders. This manifests in different ways depending on the person’s genetics and where the body perceives the invasion.

How to distinguish flu from cold, especially in children?

It is flu if a sudden high fever, chest tightness, chills, fatigue, and muscle aches occur (pain in the bones and joints).

Resting is a must! We know that everyday life is frantic and we believe it is indispensable (and in some cases, they are) but if we are sick we cannot help anyone. If we are sick it means that our body needs to regain breath.

Drink a lot and eat light and digestible things, rich in vitamins and minerals.

It is cold if the symptoms are located essentially above the neck. Nasal drip or congestion, coughing, eyes tearing, but throat, congestion and sneezing. You may also have some fever, but never high.

At the beginning you may have noticed that both Influenza and Pneumonia tied for 7th place in the TOP 10 Diseases & Conditions.  We will get a better understanding about Pneumonia as well as its Influenza connection.  Until next time…

Thank you for taking the time to stop by.  It shows your interest in health.  If you enjoyed this post, please press the follow button, like it, and share how it helped you.  If you know someone who could be helped by this information please pass it on. I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread the word so that more people can live their best life now free and to the fullest.







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